The code now is like this:

<div id="dialog" title="Create Manifest">
<form id="myForm" action="pl/" method="post">
<td><SELECT NAME="Aircraft">
$password="pass"; $database="completChest"; mysql_connect('',$user,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database"); $query="SELECT * from Chests where chest_active=1"; $result = mysql_query($query); while ($myinfo= mysql_fetch_row($result)) { print "<option onselect( populate($myinfo[5]) ) value=\"$myinfo[0]\">". $myinfo[2]." ".$myinfo[3]." ".$myinfo[1];
<tr><td colspan="2">Items in Chest</td> <script type="text/ javascript"> function populate(max_chest){ for(var i=0;i<=max_chest;i++){ document.write("<tr><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"c"+i+"\">";

On Jul 21, 2009, at 1:41 PM, Glazz wrote:


What is the code that you now? If you have none we can help you create
the code you need

But you are going to use $.ajax() to get the numbers that you are
talking about from the MySQL table.

And then you can update the form as your needs.

Btw, im a neewbie too but i can help in what i can :)


On 21 Jul, 21:24, raisputin <> wrote:
Hello, newb here ;)

This is probably the wrong place to ask, but maybe someone could point
me in the right direction if that is the case :)

I am pulling data from a mysql database to partially populate a form.
This is all done in a 'dialog' which is really slick, so when I open
that dialog, i get (please excuse the crude drawings)

Dropdown menu
[ Chest 1 ]
[ Chest 2 ]
[ etc...     ]

That part I have working fine, what I need to do now is make it so
that when someone selects Chest_N it will populate the form with say
the number of drawers in that chest as each chest may have any number
of drawers (within reason of course). The information for each chest,
such as mfr, etc. and including the number of drawers is stored in the
'chests' table in mysql like

Table: Chests

so when I select a chest in the dropdown, I need to create fields like
"Drawer 1 - Drawer N" as text boxes in the form. The mySQL queries I
can do as that is super simple, I am just not sure how to make it do
the query once a chest is selected.

Any help appreciated, and if I am asking in the wrong place, a
direction to the proper place to ask would also be appreciated. :)

Thanks in advance

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