Thanks for all the help everyone, the last problems are solved and a new one has cropped up.

I now have all the proper variables passing where they need to go, etc, which, seems like a miracle considering my inexperience with js and jQuery :) but hey, the listmembers have been great, so here is my last problem:

The problem is that, in a Dialog box when document.write gets called, it blanks out the entire page and then prints my form fields. on that new blank page and I need it to print in the dialog box. I searched around google and the only thing I could find related to recaptcha, but I wasn't sure if that solution would even apply.

I have tested this in IE8 and Firefox 3.5.1 on Vista, Safari 4.0.2 on MacOS X 10.5.7, and Firefox on MacOS X 10.5.7 and it does it on all of these. again, I am probably missing something easy, but I figured I had better ask instead of banging my head against the wall


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