Hi all,

I'm completely stuck and been trying to solve this all day! Any help would
be greatly appreciated...

Basically, I have a suckerfish type navigation. It works fine with CSS and
I'm trying to add some JQuery to animate the slide-down effect. I've got
that working, but I need to have the sub-nav showing when I am on the actual
page and keep it there when you hover over it, unless you hover over a
different top level navigation. With CSS, it works fine as I add a class of
"selected" to the top level, but I can't work it out in JQuery. Here is my

function mainmenu(){

    if ($("#header ul#topNavigation li").is(".selected")){

    $("#header ul#topNavigation li").hover(function(){


// activate function


<div id="header">
<ul id="topNavigation">
<li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
 <li class="selected">
<a href="/">About Us</a>
 <div class="secondLevel">
<li><a href="/">Overview</a></li>
<li><a href="/">Contact</a></li>

Currently, the 2nd level appears if I have the class of "selected", but it
dissapears when I mouse over it. I would need it to stay there until I hover
over a different top level nav item.

Would really appreciate any help.

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