It looks like you're using the old liveQuery plugin. Why not just use
.bind() or .live()?


On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 5:11 PM, pedalpete <> wrote:

> So, this isn't related to any one bit of code, but it seems to be a
> problem I run into almost everytime i need to stop a form or link for
> doing what it was originally intended to do (submit).
> Now, i have used return false; many times, but it never works at
> first.
> I'm never sure what I end up changing, but something changes, and then
> all of a sudden it works, and I am once again left stumped as to what
> I did.
> Yesterday, i renamed a class, and all of a sudden, it worked. Changed
> the class back, and guess what! It still works, though it hadn't
> before ...ggggrrrrr
> Today, i'm trying to use a submit, check the e-mail address and then
> submit the form via ajax.
> Once again, i can't seem to stop the form from submitting.
> There are no other javascript errors coming up in firefox.
> my alerts work, so i'm in the right function, but then...the form
> submits.
> <code>
>      jQuery('div#selected form#getEmail').livequery('submit', function
> (){
>        var sid=jQuery('input.emailsButton', this).attr('id');
>        var emailAddress=jQuery('input#email', this).val();
>        alert(sid);
>        if(isValidEmailAddress(emailAddress)) {
>        alert('works');
>                $("input#email).after("works");
>        } else {
>                alert('errored');
>                $("input#email, this").after("<label class='error'>Email is
> not
> valid!</label>");
>        }
>        return false;
>      });
> </code>
> I've tried moving the return false; into the if/else, but no changes.
> As mentioned, i think the biggest problem isn't just with this code.
> There is something I seem to be doing consistently.
> Thanks

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