Try starting off with a simplifying your selectors and the code in
general? .live(), in this case, isn't going to provide you much
benefit, as you're binding it to an element based on an ID, which
means there will only ever be a single element which this function
triggers for.

Try something like:

        var sid = $('.emailsButton', this).attr('id'),
            email = $('#email');

        email.after( isValidEmailAddress( email.val() ) ? 'works' :
'<label class="error">Email is not
valid!</label>' );
        return false;

On Jul 28, 12:30 pm, pedalpete <> wrote:
> That is what i've always thought James, but Firebug isn't showing any
> errors.
> I had actually edited the code and removed a context when i posted, so
> that is why that element didn't have a closing quote.
> But i had been constantly changing things, and no errors.
> However, you are correct that I had an error in the JS in that  I had
> gone back to using $ rather than jQuery in the script, and I think
> that is what was screwing this up.
> I still find it very strange that of the many, many times i've used
> 'return false', i almost never get it to work the first time, and
> usually, i don't see what I've changed to make it work.
> Thanks for the help.
> Pete
> On Jul 27, 3:50 pm, James <> wrote:
> > If the return false fails, it's usually something wrong with parsing
> > your Javascript that causes the problem.
> > For example:
> > $("input#email).after("works");
> > It's missing a closing quote (") after "email".
> > On Jul 27, 12:28 pm, pedalpete <> wrote:
> > > Thanks John,
> > > I wasn't familiar with the .live() before, but of course I'll use that
> > > where I can.
> > > Though I'm honoured and humbled by your response, unfortunately, in
> > > this case, I'm using a 'submit', and the documentation says i can't
> > > use .live on submit currently. (I did try and, and it didn't work).
> > > .bind doesn't seem as efficient, as I'll be regularly binding/
> > > unbinding, but I've added that anyway, and still after the alerts, the
> > > form submits.
> > > As the form itself is created on the fly, i've put the bind inside the
> > > function which creates the form, and unbind before the form is first
> > > created so that i'm not stuck with the old data.
> > > Unfortunately,  i'm still stuck with the original problem, return
> > > false; appears to be ignored.
> > > On Jul 27, 2:14 pm, John Resig <> wrote:
> > > > It looks like you're using the old liveQuery plugin. Why not just use
> > > > .bind() or .live()?
> > > > --John
> > > > On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 5:11 PM, pedalpete <> wrote:
> > > > > So, this isn't related to any one bit of code, but it seems to be a
> > > > > problem I run into almost everytime i need to stop a form or link for
> > > > > doing what it was originally intended to do (submit).
> > > > > Now, i have used return false; many times, but it never works at
> > > > > first.
> > > > > I'm never sure what I end up changing, but something changes, and then
> > > > > all of a sudden it works, and I am once again left stumped as to what
> > > > > I did.
> > > > > Yesterday, i renamed a class, and all of a sudden, it worked. Changed
> > > > > the class back, and guess what! It still works, though it hadn't
> > > > > before ...ggggrrrrr
> > > > > Today, i'm trying to use a submit, check the e-mail address and then
> > > > > submit the form via ajax.
> > > > > Once again, i can't seem to stop the form from submitting.
> > > > > There are no other javascript errors coming up in firefox.
> > > > > my alerts work, so i'm in the right function, but then...the form
> > > > > submits.
> > > > > <code>
> > > > >      jQuery('div#selected form#getEmail').livequery('submit', function
> > > > > (){
> > > > >        var sid=jQuery('input.emailsButton', this).attr('id');
> > > > >        var emailAddress=jQuery('input#email', this).val();
> > > > >        alert(sid);
> > > > >        if(isValidEmailAddress(emailAddress)) {
> > > > >        alert('works');
> > > > >                $("input#email).after("works");
> > > > >        } else {
> > > > >                alert('errored');
> > > > >                $("input#email, this").after("<label 
> > > > > class='error'>Email is
> > > > > not
> > > > > valid!</label>");
> > > > >        }
> > > > >        return false;
> > > > >      });
> > > > > </code>
> > > > > I've tried moving the return false; into the if/else, but no changes.
> > > > > As mentioned, i think the biggest problem isn't just with this code.
> > > > > There is something I seem to be doing consistently.
> > > > > Thanks

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