Yes I get the point... But how to use this on a hover? Because I
really cant see how to use this with my code... sorry :$ I'm actually
a php and perl programmer. I recently started with ajax, and now with
jquery, so i'm kind of new to this jquery stuff...

***and not only that, The live thing, has to be after this code:
function pokerNAV(file){

So, how do I transform this code, into code using live:

$(document).ready(function () {
      $('div.jimgMenu ul li a').hover(function()
        if ($(this).is(':animated')) {
          $(this).stop().animate({width: "83px"}, {duration: 250,
        } else
          $(this).stop().animate({width: "83px"}, {duration: 300,
      }, function ()
        if ($(this).is(':animated')) {
          $(this).stop().animate({width: "20px"}, {duration: 300,
        } else {
          $(this).stop('animated:').animate({width: "20px"},
{duration: 250, easing:"easeInOutQuad"});

The one that helps me with this, thanks so much.

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