Can anyone shine more light on this???

On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 3:28 PM, Joel Polsky <>wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 1:16 PM, Brett Ritter <>wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 11:11 AM, PictureMan<>
>> wrote:
>> > It works great in FF, but not in IE!!! What can I do to fix? There's
>> > too much code to post online. But I can tell you about it's
>> > conctruction..  It's a mix of ColdFusioin and JQuery.
>> ...
>> > }};
>> > }};
>> > </script>
>> The above endings are syntax errors, but I'll assume that's the result
>> of hand-copying...
>> ...In other news, if you are running ColdFusion to dynamically
>> generate the JS, why not just dynamically set the form elements in the
>> first place?  Just curious.
>> Otherwise:
>> 1) Define "not in IE".  What is the behavior you observe?
>> 2) Check the generated HTML that results.
>> 3) Try to pare down the generated HTML into a small example that
>> easily demonstrates the problem.
>> Generally in the course of #3, a great many problems are discovered
>> and fixed.  If not, you'll have a simple example that will be much
>> easier to get help with.
>> Hope that helps!
>> --
>> Brett Ritter / SwiftOne
> Changing the form's values to dynamic will work, but I don't know if it
> will fixt the problem.. will give that a try.
> Since posting I've removed the Coldfusion's dynamic  CFFORM (as it also
> adds javascript to the page, and thought it may be effecting the jquery some
> how.  I also striped down a page to it's bare element.  Same results.
> I've even extracted the HTML that is sent to the browser and saved that as
> a html file and tested. Same issues, validates in FF, and No valildation in
> IE.
> In Firefox the jquery validation works - input boxes or check boxes that
> are invalid or are required get checked, causing jquery error messags to
> appear.
> In IE 7 -- there is NO validation happening what so ever, the submit button
> simply sends the form to the next page (in this case a page that processes
> the form's contents and does a DB update.
> I can attach the trimed down html version, but it is around 850 lines of
> code.  Or attach a zip file with the scripts being used.
> Please advise..and thanks!

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