Maybe the problem is related to the error message "missing } after property

What character does "}" normally need to be matched up with? How many of
each of those characters do you have?

Another tip: After each { character, indent subsequent lines one more
tabstop. Unindent for each } character. This helps you see when they don't


> From: PictureMan
> When I add this rule to a page with the other rules, my page stops
> validating.
> Works fine if I don't add it.
> What this is for is a check box next to a input box.  IF the check box
> is checked, the field is mandatory.
> OtherCruiseLine: {
>       required: function(element) {
>       return $("input[name='CruiseLinesPicked'][value='Other']").is
> (':checked');
> }
> without this rule the page validates.  With this I get an error of:
> missing } after property list.
> But not sure what's wrong..
> Thanks!

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