Hi there (tried posting earlier, Googles Groups dont seem to work that well

I have a couple of problems using jCarousel, and was hoping someone
here might lead me to a solution. First of all, can I change the way
the External Control function works? I am guessing that I "only" need
to edit the javascript file, but having little knowledge of it, I
chose not to. What I want to do, is use the External Controls as a
pagination, so rather than being a navigation for each image, I would
like it to navigate from one page of visible images, to another.

More or less, I accomplished it by setting the value inside the <li></
li> to the number I wanted to navigate to. However, this resulted in
ridiculous number always increasing by the number of visible items
(have a massive amount of images loaded). So really, the question is:
How can I navigate to a specific image in the carousel using a onclick

Which brings me to the other problem, the External Controls behave as
a list of navigation-buttons. If my carousel shows 500 images, it will
generate 500 buttons for navigating. How can I automatically shorten
it (as the Pagination Plugin does;
Thinking about it, making such a pagination would be much easier if I
knew how to solve the first problem.

Any good ideas or solutions? Please write them down!

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