Don't be too hard on yourself mate. The docs are your friend too :)

On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 10:52 PM, Miket3 <> wrote:

> Damn it!  I stand corrected.  Thanks Jules!   And it worked as I
> thought it should have.  Even though this is only my 2nd jQuery
> project I KNOW for a fact(mostly) that I used the proper syntax and
> method of trying to retrieve my custom attrib.  I have a sneaky
> feeling that I was a victim of browser cache.  There have been a few
> times I have setup something that should work, but doesn't, so I
> replace my code with a work-around, and then if I go back to my
> original setup it magically works.  I hate when I try to help people
> with the wrong information.
> On Aug 4, 11:21 pm, Jules <> wrote:
> > jQuerysupportcustomattributes, may be you can post a sample?
> >
> > Anyway, this works
> >
> > $(document).ready(function(){
> >    alert($("[custom='test']").length);
> >
> > });
> >
> > <input type="text" id="text1" name="text1"custom="test" />
> > <input type="text" id="text2" name="text2"custom="test" />
> > <input type="text" id="text3" name="text3"custom="test" />
> > <input type="text" id="text4" name="text4"custom="test" />
> >
> > On Aug 5, 10:04 am, Miket3 <> wrote:
> >
> > > One issue I ran across while learningjquerywas that I often wanted/
> > > needed a way to telljqueryto get data for the current element from a
> > > related element.jQueryimmediately tends to be friendly when you need
> > > to work with a class of elements via the CLASS attribute, or a
> > > specific element via the ID attribute. However, when there are 2
> > > elements that are related but do not fit within a class, a beginner
> > > such as myself may have a little trouble trying to find the best way
> > > to handle this issue. At this point we begin to research how to get
> > >jQueryto recognize acustomattribute, because common rules says that
> > > the ID attrib is basically out of the question as this needs to be
> > > unique to each element. And the CLASS attrib just doesn't logically
> > > help either because it can refer to too many other elements that don't
> > > fit our rule. And when we find out thatjQuerydoesn't readily
> > > recognizecustomattributesit can get a little intimidating because
> > > one of the solutions is to extendjQuery.  But there are a couple of
> > > other standardattributesthat are recognized but rarely used.  In my
> > > particular case I started using the TITLE attribute for relating my
> > > elements. But then I stumbled upon the correct way, (or at least until
> > > someone corrects me on this post).  There is a REL attribute which can
> > > be used to RELATE the to elements.  So when you feel like you need a
> > >customattribute, you might not need one, the REL is available and the
> > > TITLE could be used as a backup if necessary.
> >
> > > I hope this helps someone.

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