Sorry Jorn....  I spelled your name Zorn.   I am using version 1.5.5

On Aug 8, 7:20 am, Miket3 <> wrote:
> James,
> Thanks for the response.  yes, I created a single lookup function
> rather than having to generate mutiple lookups. Shouldn't be a problem
> if zorn checks the url for ? prior to attaching his key, value pair to
> the url.  if he doesnt check for it, he will after reading this post
> ands sees the simplicity of a single lookup script.
> The documentation fails to include the server side scripts in the
> examples. but when i looked on my downloaded examples they only return
> true or false. which is exaclty what my lookup.php returns.
> ok....   This must be a BUG   I just changed my lookup.php to a single
> line of code:  echo "false";    and the validator adds a class of
> "valid" to my form.
> Zorn,
> Please let me know when you get a new version of the validator, I am
> really looking forward to implementing it in my app but for now I will
> have to be on my own.
> On Aug 7, 9:38 pm, James <> wrote:
> > Well, to look at the actual AJAX response, you can use Firebug for
> > Firefox to see it.
> > You're suppose to have yourremotepage return "true" if it's good and
> > "false" if it's not okay.
> > Looking at your code, both username and email validation checks have
> > the same url and data. Ideally, you're suppose to pass the inputted
> > username and email data to that URL for yourremotescript to check
> > your database again those values, and return "true" or "false".
> > On Aug 7, 3:12 pm, Miket3 <> wrote:
> > > I need a way to debug what is being returned when I use theREMOTE
> > > option.  I cant get the validation to give me an error class when a
> > > duplicate is found.  here is my lookup.php which works perfectly fine
> > > when I use jquery $get to call it.
> > > Lookup.php
> > > <?
> > > $noheaders = "true";  //prevents config.php from loading any header
> > > data such a scripts and styles.
> > > include("config.php");
> > > $table = $_GET["table"];
> > > $key = $_REQUEST["key"];
> > > $value = $_REQUEST["value"];
> > > $failmsg = (isset($_GET["failmsg"]) ? $_GET["failmsg"] : $value.": Not
> > > Found in TABLE: ".$table." for KEY: ".$key);
> > > $foundmsg = (isset($_GET["foundmsg"]) ? $_GET["foundmsg"] : $value.":
> > > Found in TABLE: ".$table." for KEY: ".$key);
> > > $sql="SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $key='$value'" ;
> > > $result=mysql_query($sql);
> > > if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
> > >   echo $foundmsg;} else {echo $failmsg;  };
> > > ?>
> > > Here are my rules:
> > >         var validator = $("#myform").validate({
> > >                 rules: {
> > >                         username: {
> > >                                 required: true,
> > >                                 minlength: 4,
> > >                                 type: "GET",
> > >                                remote: 
> > > "lookup.php?table=members&failmsg=true&foundmsg=false"
> > >                         },
> > >                         password: {
> > >                                 required: true,
> > >                                 minlength: 5
> > >                         },
> > >                         email: {
> > >                                 required: true,
> > >                                 email: true,
> > >                                 type: "GET",
> > >                                remote: 
> > > "lookup.php?table=members&failmsg=true&foundmsg=false"
> > >                         }
> > >                 },
> > >                 messages: {
> > > Thanks,
> > > Mike

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