I get a couple browser errors, and I got it down to what the problem
is: the superfish script. As soon as I remove the script from my code,
the errors are gone.

Webpage error details:

Message: Object doesn't support this property or method
Line: 63
Char: 5
Code: 0

Message: 'document.getElementById(...)' is null or not an object
Line: 40
Char: 6
Code: 0

I am putting the script in my index.php file in my template that I use
in Joomla. I went on the superfish site and copy/pasted the first
script into the head part. The second script I also copy/pasted into
the head part, but then I realized it was to be placed into the ul
element? what part is this? Is this in the body? I noticed also the
error doesn't show up when the second script is not placed in the
code. Another thing is, the menu stilll works and is functional
without any script put in the index.php file at all, so what is then
the purpose of the script? Do I really need it in there? Thanks!

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