The link to the site is:

I have installed the superfish module in Joomla.

I noticed the error doesn't show in the Firefox browser. So intalling
the module, I don't need to place the script in my template's index


On Aug 18, 6:01 am, Charlie <> wrote:
> menu will degrade without script to css only menu . You won't have   
> animations opening subs or delay closing them but css keeps all hovers working
> if you are using Joomla extension for superfish it inserts the code for you, 
> along with noConflict since joomla uses mootools.
> without a link to look at not sure can do much else to help
> tacotac wrote:I get a couple browser errors, and I got it down to what the 
> problem is: the superfish script. As soon as I remove the script from my 
> code, the errors are gone. Webpage error details: Message: Object doesn't 
> support this property or method Line: 63 Char: 5 Code: 0 
> URI:http://localhost/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=19&Itemid=27Message:
>  'document.getElementById(...)' is null or not an object Line: 40 Char: 6 
> Code: 0 
> URI:http://localhost/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=19&Itemid=27I
>  am putting the script in my index.php file in my template that I use in 
> Joomla. I went on the superfish site and copy/pasted the first script into 
> the head part. The second script I also copy/pasted into the head part, but 
> then I realized it was to be placed into the ul element? what part is this? 
> Is this in the body? I noticed also the error doesn't show up when the second 
> script is not placed in the code. Another thing is, the menu stilll works and 
> is functional without any script put in the index.php file at all, so what is 
> then the purpose of the script? Do I really need it in there? Thanks!

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