What exact version of the autocomplete plugin are you using?

Have you tried autocomplete("option", "extraParams", ...) instead of setData?


On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 6:19 PM, pankaj<pankaj1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Actually this part was working previously.I found one difference here,
> maybe that help us to find out the actual root cause. Please let me
> know if any of you are aware of this issue.
> Here is OLD and NEW difference of calling auto-completion.
> =============================================================================
> OLD:
>  // Pass along field dependency values to filter auto-completion
> list.
>  $textbox.focus(function() {
>    var fieldname = this.id;
>    $(this).flushCache();
>    params = { fname:fieldname };
>    $(this).setOptions({ extraParams:add_deps(autocomplete_drilldowns,
>                         fieldname, params) });
>  });
> ================================================================================
> NEW:
>  // Pass along field dependency values to filter auto-completion
> list.
>  $textbox.focus(function() {
>    var fieldname = this.id.replace(/([{}])/g, '\\$1');
>    $(this).autocomplete('flushCache');
>    params = { fname:fieldname };
>    $(this).autocomplete('setData',
>                         { extraParams:add_deps
> (autocomplete_drilldowns,
>                           fieldname, params) });
>  });
> ===================================================================================
> Is this causing any issue?
> Thanks
> On Aug 8, 2:19 pm, pankaj <pankaj1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> When I do focus is on the autocompletion textbox, that triggers the
>> function right below where the autocompletion plugin is initialized ,
>> which is supposed to add the "&key=value" values to form the remote
>> url. Based on this remote url I am getting the filtered output, which
>> will list out in the  autocompletion textbox but its not adding
>> "&key=value". So I am getting all the list. I think  the setData is
>> not setting the extraParams.
>> help?
>> For example:
>> If i select one field in the Html form say product "xyz" and based on
>> this the release field should 3 values "1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3", but it
>> displays all the list (almost 300 values). Its because when i select
>> something in the autocompletion textbox then the url format should be
>> something like this:
>> http://mdx.lt.com/xyz/abc/ac-list?q=1.&limit=300&timestamp=1249677100...{1}&product=mmm
>> Instead of the above it is formating as. Here product field is
>> missing, due to which it displays all the release value.
>> http://mdx.lt.com/xyz/abc/ac-list?q=1.&limit=300&timestamp=1249677100...{1}.
>> This is my autocomplete call:
>>     $field.autocomplete({
>>       url:ac_url,
>>       cacheLength:1,
>>       matchContains:true,
>>       max:300,
>>       width:'50%',
>>       scrollHeight:320,
>>       minChars:1,
>>       extraParams:{ fname:fieldname },
>>       formatItem: function(data, i, max, value, term) {
>>         // data will be an array of value, description
>>         return '<span class="ui-autocomplete-value">' + value +
>>           '</span><span class="ui-autocomplete-info">' + data[1] + '</
>> span>';
>>       }
>>     });
>>     $field.autocomplete('result', function() {
>>       $field.change(); // Notify mass edit that the field's value has
>> changed.
>>       $field.blur(); // Trigger auto-set.
>>     });
>>   });
>>   // Pass along field dependency values to filter auto-completion
>> list.
>>   $textbox.focus(function() {
>>     var fieldname = this.id.replace(/([{}])/g, '\\$1');
>>     $(this).autocomplete('flushCache');
>>     params = { fname:fieldname };
>>     $(this).autocomplete('setData',
>>                          { extraParams:add_deps
>> (autocomplete_drilldowns,
>>                            fieldname, params) });
>>   });
>> What is the right way to see what the above function (add_deps) is
>> returning?
>> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks,

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