I kind of founf a way to do it using:


The only thing is the images disapear, but pressing the scroll
buttons, I can see the dynamic images load in the status bar so it
appears it is working, just with now invisible images.....

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


On Aug 15, 12:04 pm, Kevin <diskhand...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I guess I should mention that I'm using jcarousel and thst you need to
> click on one of the index pictures to start things up.
> Thanks!
> On Aug 14, 10:34 pm, Kevin <diskhand...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I managed to get the scrolling to kinda work – if I set it up with
> > static LI then I can get the scrolling to work the way I want it to,
> > sans being able to pass the number of the image I want to be shown
> > (unless I put it in the text field of the anchor tag, which shows with
> > the image) but I have no way of passing the other variables to call my
> > updating button. Also, using the static it takes much longer to load
> > the page.
> > I’m looking to be able to set a variable – like NewStrt – to be the
> > first image in the carousel by calling a simple function such as
> > ScrollTo(NewStrt) or mycarousel.ScrollTo(NewStrt). Using the “function
> > mycarousel_initCallback(carousel)” scrolling function doesn’t work
> > with dynamic loading, and I can’t pass my variables with static
> > loading. Please help.
> > If you would like to see what I'm doing to get a better idea, you can
> > see it here (along with my current code):
> >http://ssbbs.dyndns.org/panic/rpicts.asp
> > Thanks in advance for any assistance with this.
> > Kevin- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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