Hello! I need help on this. i created image links by reading an xml
and creating the img and a tags in jquery. how do i put a function in
it? i tried the function below but it doesnt seem to work. These image
links are stored in the div: "thumbs"

Below is the code:

$(function() {
        $("#thumbs a").click(function(event) {
                alert("Hello world!");

                type: "GET",
                url: "thumbs.xml",
                dataType: "xml",
                success: function(xml) {
                        var title_text = $(this).find('title').text();
                        var path_text = $(this).find('path').text();

                        $('<a href=""></a>').html('<img src="'+ path_text +'" 
title_text +'" title="'+ title_text +'">')
                        }); //close each(
        }); //close $.ajax(

}); //close $(

Thank you!!

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