live is no longer a plugin, but core of jquery


On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 10:14 AM, Leonard
Martin<> wrote:
> You will either need to use the live plugin as follows:
> $('#thumbs a').live('click',function(){...});
> Or move the binding of your 'click' inside the callback function of
> your $.ajax call so it would then look like:
> .appendTo('#thumbs').click(function(){...});
> As it is you're trying to bind onto anchors which don't exist yet.
> Using $().live() allows you to bind onto all exisiting elements, and
> any elements which may be created in the future.
> On Aug 26, 8:54 am, cachobong <> wrote:
>> Hello! I need help on this. i created image links by reading an xml
>> and creating the img and a tags in jquery. how do i put a function in
>> it? i tried the function below but it doesnt seem to work. These image
>> links are stored in the div: "thumbs"
>> Below is the code:
>> $(function() {
>>         $("#thumbs a").click(function(event) {
>>                 event.preventDefault();
>>                 alert("Hello world!");
>>         });
>>         $.ajax({
>>                 type: "GET",
>>                 url: "thumbs.xml",
>>                 dataType: "xml",
>>                 success: function(xml) {
>>                 $(xml).find('thumb').each(function(){
>>                         var title_text = $(this).find('title').text();
>>                         var path_text = $(this).find('path').text();
>>                         $('<a href=""></a>').html('<img src="'+ path_text 
>> +'" alt="'+
>> title_text +'" title="'+ title_text +'">')
>>                         .appendTo('#thumbs');
>>                         }); //close each(
>>                 }
>>         }); //close $.ajax(
>> }); //close $(
>> Thank you!!

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