Are you executing that script in the same domain
where the rest service is?.

We can't do cross-domain ajax requests. Maybe IE make a exception for their
own REST services.


Alexander Cabezas
Gerente de Aplicaciones

58 412 566.14.20
58 212 915.46.15

" be patient to learn a new skill "

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 7:00 AM, praveen <> wrote:

> hi,
> i use jquery and calling my service function by using jQuery ajax. it
> works fine in IE and return data in json format but when i run this in
> firefox this method is not call means ajax method call is not called
> in firefox. where is problem in code here is my code
> my service is host on remote server.
> function InsertList() {
>    var list = new Array();
>    list.push({
>        Name: 'John',
>        Designation: 'Associate Consultant'
>    }, {
>        Name: 'David',
>        Designation: 'Senior Consultant'
>    });
>    var json = Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(list);
>    $.ajax({
>        url: 'http://localhost:3162/VirtualService/RestService.svc/
> InsertList',
>        type: 'PUT',
>        contentType: 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
>        data: json,
>        success: function(response) {
>            $('#divResult').html(response.text);
>        }
>    });
> }

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