> Even had this approach worked, I am not sure how I would have preserved the
> ajax-ability of the hot spot links.  The ajaxify jquery needs
> "class=ajaxify," while the tooltip needs "class=screenshot."

This isn't an issue; you can always have a space-separated list of
class names:

    class="ajaxify screenshot"

> Does anyone know if there is a way to accomplish everthing I need?
> Tooltip with text and image... works with an image map... works when the
> page is ajaxed... allows the hot spot in turn to be ajax in content to
> another div.

It sounds like that last is your real issue.  Remember that when you
run something when the document is loaded, it runs only on what's
already in the DOM.  So whether you use $(document).ready() or
window.onload, if your code is modifiying the DOM or hooking events
into it, that code has finished running before your code is Ajax'd
into the page.  There are several good approaches to this, including
calling your method again on a successful Ajax call, or using the
livequery plugin, or using live events [2].

Good luck,

  -- Scott

[1] http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/livequery
[2] http://docs.jquery.com/Events/live

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