I don't understand...

The first post says

> "I have a <div> that only contains an image"

and later on a post says:

> And here is the html:
>        <div id="logo"><a href="template language defines the link here"></
> a></div>

That wouldn't be a <div> with only an image there

On Sep 4, 2:02 pm, Charlie Griefer <charlie.grie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't know that you can use a filter the way you're trying to (using the
> colon in #logo:a).
> Filters are more like tr:first (matches the first <tr> element), tr:odd
> (matches odd-numbered table rows.. good for zebra-striping)...
> See the sections about the various types of filters 
> athttp://docs.jquery.com/Selectors.
> As far as your issue...
> the 'a' in question is a child of the #logo element, so you'd want
> $('#logo > a').click(function() { });
> http://docs.jquery.com/Selectors/child#parentchild
> On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 10:53 AM, lukas <animod...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thank you! It somehow does not work.
> > Here is what I got:
> > $("#logo:a").click(function(){
> >                $.cookie('startCookie', 'default').load('
> >http://www.mylink.com');
> >        });
> > And here is the html:
> >        <div id="logo"><a href="template language defines the link here"></
> > a></div>
> > Does anybody have an idea?
> --
> I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my
> wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

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