A not-so-pretty way would be to set body { overflow-y: scroll; } in your stylesheet.

I suppose another would be to set a min-height on the body. For IE6, you could just set the body's height, since it treats height as min- height.


Karl Swedberg

On Sep 4, 2009, at 7:49 AM, Jonathan del Strother wrote:

Say I have a site that's centered on the page, and do  $
("#some_content").slideDown().  If the appearance of the new content
means that the page no longer fits in the browser window, scrollbars
will appear, and so the available page width decreases slightly, and
so my centered content jumps left while it's sliding down.

Is there a decent workaround for this?  Best I can figure out at the
moment is to persuade the browser to always display scrollbars, which
isn't exactly ideal.

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