Unless there is a known issue, I don't think anyone can answer your question
based on the information you've provided.
Can you post a link to a test page that demonstrates the problem you've
encountered? That would allow people to actually take a look at it and try
it for themselves in Chrome and other browsers.


On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 12:58 PM, Ross Hadden <rosshad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Anyone? Please?
> On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 6:14 PM, rosshadden <rosshad...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is it a known issue that $.getScript() does not work in Chrome, or
>> could I be doing something wrong?
>> I am able to load scripts using this function in any browser, but in
>> order for me to be able to use their contents in Chrome I need to put
>> blocks of code in the callback of $.getScript.  While it makes sense
>> that I would not be able to utilize a script's functions outside of
>> its callback, why then does it work in both Firefox and IE?
>> For me using the ol' <script/> works without any issues, but I was
>> trying to use $.getScript() in place of that for experimental
>> purposes.  Is this the wrong application for the function?  Should I
>> only use it if I need to load a script on the fly?
>> Thanks,
>> ~Ross
> --
> ~Ross

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