judging from that snippet, I don't think jQuery or BlockUI is the problem.

Using onClick is old school and should be avoided these days. It mixes functionality with data/presentation when these things should be kept separate. (just like CSS should be kept in it's own file rather than inline, JS should be the same...) The phrase that describes this is "unobtrusive javascript".

You can try changing the onclick="" in both samples to
onClick="XXXX(); return false;" - where the XXXX() is the existing functions (add a "return false;" at the end). But I think you probably need to look into native JS methods to stop propagation.

Is this inherited code? Or generated by Dreamweaver? Eitherway, the code looks reminiscent of DW to me. Both those functions should probably make better use of jQuery, but methinks that is a separate issue.. :)



nasionalem wrote:
Hi thaks for your reply,

How can I stop normal handler.

my link is like that..

<script type="text/javascript">
            function information(){
                jQuery.blockUI({ message: jQuery('#111'), css:
{border: '0px solid #a00', textAlign:'center'} });

<a href="#" onclick="information()">info</a>

The other link has same problem..

<a href="#" onClick="MM_openBrWindow

On Sep 9, 10:39 am, Shawn <sgro...@open2space.com> wrote:
Not familiar with the BlockUI plugin.  But, do you have a .click() event
somewhere related to that link?  If so, return false from the event handler.

Setting href="#" means a named anchor.  "#" by itself is top of the
page.  So, if the anchor tag's normal click handler is executed, you'll
be returning to the top of the page.  You need to stop the normal
handler - which is usually done in jQuery by returning false from and
event handler function.



merihsaka...@yahoo.com wrote:
Hi all,
I am using jQuery BlockUI Plugin (v2). It works success but I have a
small problem, when I click the link, it is bloclking the page but the
main page goes up.
Also same problem for link which is oppening new tab or new windows.
main pages goes up when I click the link.
any advice
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