I'm having trouble setting the input focus when validating fields in a
form. I have a very simple case below, that validates a field for
white space. If it has white space, it triggers an alert and I'd like
the focus to stay in that field. However, when tabbing, it moves to
the next field regardless.

I'm using the blur event to validate the field. I'm returning false
when it has white space. I've even tried forcing the issue by setting
the focus to the field, and that doesn't work either.

I must be misunderstanding something. Anyone able to set me straight?


---- code section  ----


<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready( function() {

  function validateFld( fld )
        var checkWhite = new RegExp(/[\r\n\t ]/);

        return( !checkWhite.test(fld) );

  $('#fld').blur( function() {

    if ( !validateFld($(this).val()) )
      alert('invalid field');
      ret = false;
      // $(this).focus();

    return( ret );





      <h2>Field Test</h2>
      <input type="text" name="fld" value="" id="fld" /><br />
      <input type="text" name="fld2" value="" id="fld2" /><br />


---- code section  ----

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