I think they don't let you hold focus for a reason... I've tried it on
a couple of my forms and it's annoying! I wanna leave it blank and
come back to it damn it! ;)

On Sep 10, 2:27 pm, Mr Speaker <mrspea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It's like tabbing to the next field is NOT the default action - but
> something more intrinsic/unrelated. So even if you cancel the default
> action, it doesn't stop the tab? weird.
> I was also thinking that it would be a good idea to plugin-erise this
> functionality, so if there's a better way to do it then you could just
> update the plugin! Like:
> $.fn.require = function(){
>         return this.each( function(){
>                 $( this ).blur( function(){
>                         if( ! $( this ).val().match(/\S/) ){
>                                 alert( 'invalid' );
>                                 var _this = this;
>                                 setTimeout( function(){
>                                         $( _this ).focus()
>                                 }, 0 );
>                         }
>                 })
>         });
> };
> Then just call it like $('input.required').require(); and any inputs
> with the required class would have the validator.
> On Sep 10, 2:02 pm, jhm <jmay...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks! I knew about the validate stuff, it was kind of a quick and
> > dirty example. But I appreciate your bringing it all to my attention.
> > The  jQuery docs for blus() say "the default action can be prevented
> > by returning false". Maybe it should be corrected.
> > Your suggestion of using setTimeout produces the desired results. Like
> > you said, not too pretty but effective.
> > Thanks!
> > On Sep 9, 7:40 pm, Mr Speaker <mrspea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I think the problem is that according to the W3C standards, the blur
> > > event is not cancelable: They don't seem to want the programmer to be
> > > able to mess with a blur...
> > > But also, your validation code is a bit buggy anyway: the "ret"
> > > variable is undefined and the regex you use will only catch the cases
> > > where someone pastes in a tab or carriage return value - not if it's
> > > an empty field.
> > > Also also, I think if you call focus inside blur they sort of "fight"
> > > for control of the cursor! It seems to work if you put a slight delay
> > > on the event, like:
> > > function validateFld( fld ){
> > >         return fld.match(/\S/);
> > > }
> > > $( '#fld' ).blur( function(){
> > >         if ( !validateFld( $( this ).val() ) ){
> > >                 alert( 'invalid' );
> > >                 setTimeout( function(){
> > >                         $( '#fld' ).focus()
> > >                 }, 0 );
> > >         }
> > > });
> > > Not particularly attractive, but it works... I'm not sure if there's a
> > > nicer way to do it.
> > > On Sep 10, 9:49 am, jhm <jmay...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > I'm having trouble setting the input focus when validating fields in a
> > > > form. I have a very simple case below, that validates a field for
> > > > white space. If it has white space, it triggers an alert and I'd like
> > > > the focus to stay in that field. However, when tabbing, it moves to
> > > > the next field regardless.
> > > > I'm using the blur event to validate the field. I'm returning false
> > > > when it has white space. I've even tried forcing the issue by setting
> > > > the focus to the field, and that doesn't work either.
> > > > I must be misunderstanding something. Anyone able to set me straight?
> > > > TIA
> > > > ---- code section  ----
> > > > <head>
> > > > <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
> > > > <script type="text/javascript">
> > > > $(document).ready( function() {
> > > >   function validateFld( fld )
> > > >   {
> > > >         var checkWhite = new RegExp(/[\r\n\t ]/);
> > > >         return( !checkWhite.test(fld) );
> > > >   }
> > > >   $('#fld').blur( function() {
> > > >     if ( !validateFld($(this).val()) )
> > > >     {
> > > >       alert('invalid field');
> > > >       ret = false;
> > > >       // $(this).focus();
> > > >     }
> > > >     return( ret );
> > > >   });
> > > > });
> > > > </script>
> > > > </head>
> > > > <body>
> > > >     <div>
> > > >       <h2>Field Test</h2>
> > > >       <input type="text" name="fld" value="" id="fld" /><br />
> > > >       <input type="text" name="fld2" value="" id="fld2" /><br />
> > > >     </div>
> > > > </body>
> > > > </html>
> > > > ---- code section  ----

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