play with the options to autocomplete: dataType, parse are handling the 
conversation with the server.

On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 16:11, Joao Gilberto <> 


First of all, I want to thank you about your excellent Autocomplete
plugin for jQuery.

So, I plan use your component in my open source framework called
XMLNuke. This framework produces XML, so I made some changes in jQuery
Autocomplement plugin to support receive XML data.

Here an Example:

   $("#teste3").autocomplete("demo/search.php", {
       width: 260,
       selectFirst: false,
       xmlResult: "value",
       xmlAttrNodes: [ "id", "info" ]

The XML looks like to:

  <value id="1" info="Some Info 1">Some Description 1</value>
  <value id="2" info="Some Info 2">Some Description 2</value>
  <value id="3" info="Some Info 3">Some Description 3</value>

How do I attach the file with the changes in Plugin?


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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