Thanks for your help.  You always seem to be very quick to respond and
I, along with everyone else I'm sure, am very appreciative.

Great plugin!

On Sep 15, 12:35 pm, Jörn Zaefferer <>
> You shouldn't use "visible-required" as the method name. Stick with a
> valid JavaScript identifier (probably should have mentioned that).
> As long as you do that, you can use addMethod to alias existing
> methods with other default messages. On the other hand, addClassRules
> doesn't help at all with messages.
> Jörn
> On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 5:32 PM, Dr Stevens <> wrote:
> > I'm using the validate plugin to validate ASP.NET webforms on the
> > client (I'd prefer to not use webforms, but for now I'm stuck with
> > it).  Because I'm using webforms, I'm trying to get around using the
> > clientID of server controls.  The metadata plugin works great, but I'd
> > prefer to not use it because it's gonna blow up my markup.
> > Is there any way to utilize jQuery.validator.addClassRules to add
> > custom messages to a rule?  Take the following for instance:
> > jQuery.validator.addMethod("visible-required", function(value,
> > element) {
> >    return $(element).is(":hidden") || !this.optional(element);
> > }, "This is required when visible");
> > jQuery.validator.addClassRules("fool", {
> >    visible-required: true,
> >    lettersonly: true,
> >    messages: {
> >        visible-required: "My specific field must is required",
> >        lettersonly: "Letters only fool!"
> >    }
> > });
> > On a slightly related note, is there any overhead associated with
> > adding custom validation methods specific to some field only to
> > override the default message?  Take the following:
> > jQuery.validator.addMethod("visible-required", function(value,
> > element) {
> >    return $(element).is(":hidden") || !this.optional(element);
> > }, "This is required when visible");
> > jQuery.validator.addMethod("visible-required-fool",
> >    jQuery.validator.methods.visible - required,
> >    "My specific field is required");
> > I saw your talk at the conference last weekend btw.  Thanks

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