Actually, what I think you're looking for is the Flowplayer option
autoBuffering, which differs from autoPlay.  autoPlay determines
whether or not the video will play automatically, but autoBuffering is
a different method that will prevent it from buffering as well.

You'll have to learn how to setup Flowplayer first, of course, but
once you do, set autoBuffering to false, like this:

flowplayer("player", 'http://www.your-website/path-to-flowplayer/
flowplayer-3.1.1.swf', {
        clip: {
                url: path-to-your-media-file,
                autoPlay: false,
                autoBuffering: false,
                seekableOnBegin: true
plugins: {            // load one or more plugins
                                                controls: {            // load 
the controls plugin
'flowplayer.controls-3.1.1.swf',    // always: where to
find the Flash object
                                                        timeBgColor: '#000000',
                                                        progressGradient: 'low',
                                                        height: 30,
                                                        scrubber: true,
                                                        tooltips: {             
   // this plugin object exposes a
'tooltips' object
                                                                buttons: true,
'Enter Fullscreen mode'
                                                        } //Ends tooltips
                                                } //Ends controls
                                        } //Ends plugins

On Sep 24, 8:51 am, RealMason <> wrote:
> I'm a total jquery newbie and I'm just trying to find out if something
> is possible.
> If I have a full album worth of songs that I want to list on a web
> page, can I use jquery to only embed the quicktime file after the user
> clicks on a play button for that track.
> Similar to Amazon's or iTunes play button per track.
> The way I'm doing it right now, every song is embedded and therefore
> is progressively downloading and soaking up bandwidth even though the
> user may only listen to one song (or none).
> Essentially, I want the song to only progressively download IF the
> user clicks play.
> I am NOT asking about autoplay versus click to play... instead my
> question is about controlling the point in time that the file gets
> embedded and starts downloading to the browser.
> Any direction would be appreciated. I do have the ""
> plug in.
> My ideal solution would be a list of song titles and a play button.
> When the user clicks the play button, the quicktime play is revealed
> below the title and ONLY at that moment does the file start
> downloading.
> Thanks.

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