Actually, after reading over your post again, it looks like what you
need is to set autoBuffering: false
autoBuffering: false will prevent the media from loading until the
play button it presses.  It differs from autoPlay: false which simply
prevents it from player, but buffers anyhow.

So, your code may look something like this. You can add in and define
a host of different options.

flowplayer("player", '
flowplayer-3.1.3.swf', {
        clip: {
                url: path-to-your-media,
                autoPlay: false,
                autoBuffering: false, //<-- THIS IS YOUR GOLDEN NUGGET
                seekableOnBegin: true
        plugins: {            // load one or more plugins
                controls: {            // load the controls plugin
                url: 'path-to-controls-plugin/flowplayer.controls-3.1.3.swf',
                backgroundColor: '#927150',
                timeBgColor: '#000000',
                progressGradient: 'low',
                height: 20,
                scrubber: true,
                } //Ends controls
        } //Ends plugins
}); //Ends flowplayer

On Sep 24, 8:51 am, RealMason <> wrote:
> I'm a total jquery newbie and I'm just trying to find out if something
> is possible.
> If I have a full album worth of songs that I want to list on a web
> page, can I use jquery to only embed the quicktime file after the user
> clicks on a play button for that track.
> Similar to Amazon's or iTunes play button per track.
> The way I'm doing it right now, every song is embedded and therefore
> is progressively downloading and soaking up bandwidth even though the
> user may only listen to one song (or none).
> Essentially, I want the song to only progressively download IF the
> user clicks play.
> I am NOT asking about autoplay versus click to play... instead my
> question is about controlling the point in time that the file gets
> embedded and starts downloading to the browser.
> Any direction would be appreciated. I do have the ""
> plug in.
> My ideal solution would be a list of song titles and a play button.
> When the user clicks the play button, the quicktime play is revealed
> below the title and ONLY at that moment does the file start
> downloading.
> Thanks.

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