> You would expect the "waitingdiv" to appear instantaneously
> because the bottleneck is in show()ing all 3000 divs. But for
> some reason it takes a really long time for it to show up.
> And then it's gone in a flash and all 3000 divs appear.

That's because the browser doesn't refresh the page while JavaScript code is
running. It waits until all your code finishes running and then refreshes
with all the changes you've made.

If you want to see partial results, use setTimeout() to delay part of your

setTimeout( function() {
}, 1 );

Now you will see the results of doOneThing() immediately, before
doAnotherThing() is called.

Mike M's tip sounds good for hiding and showing *all* your divs, but I think
that leaves the problem of hiding and showing a subset of them according to
your filter. I don't have any ideas for you on that, though - I'd have to
see a test page to get a better idea of what it's doing.


On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 10:25 PM, Sid <nikhil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a page with about 3000 (expected to grow to around 5000)
> floating divs. It's a list of entities.
> The page also has filters to allow the user to narrow down (no one
> wants to see 3000 items, of course).
> When all filters are removed, I want to show all 3000 divs. After
> every 2 of these divs, I also need to insert an additional div to
> "clear" the float. The problem is that $("div.mydivclass").show(); is
> taking a really long time. Any performance tips?
> The other interesting thing that's happening is this:
> $("body").append(waitingdiv);//Positioned in the center of the screen
> with a wait gif and "Please wait" message
> if(appliedfilters.length==0) //No filters. Show all divs
>    $("div.mydivclass").show();
> else {
>  .. show only divs that meet filter criteria..
> }
> insertClearingDivs();//Insert a div to clear the float after every 2
> visible divs
> $("div#waitingdiv).remove();
> You would expect the "waitingdiv" to appear instantaneously because
> the bottleneck is in show()ing all 3000 divs. But for some reason it
> takes a really long time for it to show up. And then it's gone in a
> flash and all 3000 divs appear. Incidentally, this also happens when
> the first filter is applied. In that case, the filter usually narrows
> down 3000 items to about 100.

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