@sid Can we have the url to the page which shows your "solution" ?

-- DBJ

ps: an simple generic and reusable "async worker" :

function do_async( callback , optional_host, optional_microseconds )
   var that =  optional_host || this ;
    var timer_id = window.setTimeout (
          function () {
                try {
                                              callback.call(that) ;
                } catch ( x ) {
                       window.alert("Exception in callback for
do_async:\n" + x.message ) ;
            window.clearTimeout(timer_id); timer_id = null ;
   , optional_microseconds || 1 // 1 is default
   ) ;

// Call the above with your "this" if you need to :

function sids_object ()
     this.name = "Sid" ;
     this.ordinal = 1 ;
     this.work = function () {  alert( this.name + ":" + (this.ordinal+
+) +" is done."); }
     this.async_work = function() {  do_async( this.work, this,
1000 ) }
var as = new sids_object() ;
for( var j = 0 ; j < 10; j++ ) as.async_work() ;

Call with any other instance you want to pass as 'this' :

   do_async( function() { alert( ""+this ) ; }, new Date() ) ;

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