yes i am new to the jquery world and have been pounding my head
against the wall for over a day trying to get my working auto-
completed text field's data to be passed

here is my XHTML..

                <form name="input" action="editCustomer.php" method="POST">
                                Customer Name:<br />
                                <input type="text" size="30" value="TEST" 
onkeyup="lookup(this.value);" onblur="fill();" />
                                <input type="submit" value="Submit" >

                        <div class="suggestionsBox" id="suggestions" 
                                <img src="upArrow.png" style="position: 
relative; top: -12px;
left: 30px;" alt="upArrow" />
                                <div class="suggestionList" 

the problem is when i hit the submit button, the <inputString><value>
pair is not being POSTed to editCustomer.php.  if i get rid of the
some of the <div>'s i can sorta get it working, but i dont understand
what im doing wrong here.

any help appreciated. advTHANKSance,
- mark

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