Hi all,

I'm having trouble paging from six to six the search results coming
from a webservice, hope someone can help :

Let's see it with an example:

The variable that stores the number of elements of the search results
array is called contentLenght.
 Let's say that contentLenght equals 9. Then I need a div showing 6
elements an another sowing 3 elements.
If contentLenght equals 7, I need a div showing 6 elements an another
showing one element.
If the value of contentLenght is 18, then I need three divs containing
6 elements each.. and so on.

Now the paging itself: if I have just one div there's no need for
paging, but if I have two of more I have to show the page's numbers.
Then when a number is clicked the present div must hide and the div
containing the elements for the page number should show.

Am I right with the approach?
I was about to paste some code but the only way I've come out with the
six to six paging is with a long  if else structure, and I'm sure
there's a smarter way of doing it.

Thanks a ton in advance

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