It's a little confusing, but the difference is that the "contextual selector" is a second argument, whereas the "or selector" is a comma within a single argument. So, if we forget about "this" for a moment:

$('.myclass, #myid')
-- matches all elements that have a class of "myclass" or id="myid"
-- both selectors are contained within the same argument (i.e. the same set of quotation marks)

$('.myclass', '#myid')
-- matches all elements that have a class of "myclass" and are descendants of an element with id="myid"
-- two arguments.

One way to include "this" in the selection would be to use .add(). For example:

-- select this and all div elements.

Hope that helps.


Karl Swedberg

On Oct 17, 2009, at 10:40 PM, lampy wrote:

I know Karl's answer is correct, but from the docs (
) I would've thought the comma meant "select all div elements, and

Is there any documentation that would help me understand this?

On Sep 29, 10:03 pm, MorningZ <> wrote:
oops... that'll teach me to try to make sense first thing in the
morning  :-)

Coffee first THEN post

On Sep 29, 9:11 pm, Karl Swedberg <> wrote:

On Sep 29, 2009, at 7:33 AM, MorningZ wrote:

Whatever "this" is in that case, it's the context to look for any
<div> (jQuery will only select <div>'s that are ancestors of "this" in
the DOM tree)

Correction: for $('div',this), jQuery will only select <divs>s that
are descendants of "this" in the DOM tree.



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