Hi waseem!

Thanks for your reply.

Something's wrong with this line:

I tried changing to:

but still no go.
I have to comment out to get the other JS stuff on the site working.

The rest of the code seems Ok. What could it be?

I like your solution, pretty simple :)

I was wondering if we could put this inside the cleanField function
but I guess it's not necessary.


On Oct 19, 2:32 pm, waseem sabjee <waseemsab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> // set the initial type to text
> $(".mypasswordfield").attr({
>   type:'text'
> });
> // on user focus - change type to password
> $(".mypasswordfield").focus(function() {
>  $(".mypasswordfield").attr({
>    type:'password'
>  });
> });
> // on user blur - change type to back to text
> $(".mypasswordfield").blur(function() {
>  $(".mypasswordfield").attr({
>    type:'text'
>  });
> });
> since text is an attribute we can change it.
> all im doing is changing the type between password and text on click and on
> blur
> let me know if this worked for you :)
> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Marco Barbosa
> <marco.barbos...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > Hi!
> > I'm trying to achieve something like the Facebook first page (when
> > you're not logged in).
> > I'm using this simple function/plugin to clean the fields once you
> > click them:
> > $.fn.cleanField = function() {
> >        return this.focus(function() {
> >                if( this.value == this.defaultValue ) {
> >                        this.value = "";
> >                }
> >        }).blur(function() {
> >                if( !this.value.length ) {
> >                        this.value = this.defaultValue;
> >                }
> >        });
> > };
> > // clean the fields
> > $("#login").cleanField();
> > $("#password").cleanField();
> > So If I click Login or Password, it will clean and the user can type
> > the new value.
> > It works good but there's a little usability problem here.
> > I want to display the Password field like: "Your password here"
> > instead of "***********"
> > But when the user types his/her password, it has to go back to "****"
> > So Initially it should be: "Your login" "Your Password"
> > And when the user clicks and starts typing it goes: "My login"
> > "*******"
> > It's just the password field that masks the initial value by default.
> > If you check Facebook they managed to do that somehow.
> > Any ideas of how can I achieve this?

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