sorry, but I don't know Rebecca Murphey. Why can't you just wrapper the head tag in an ol? or do you need to change the h tag level to a different level?

----- Original Message ----- From: "bc04Inc." <>
To: "jQuery (English)" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 1:24 AM
Subject: [jQuery] How can i set a number inside a h1 tag before the text starts?

i am using the table of contents function of rebecca murphey. The
script works fine, but i need to extend itin two ways.

1. set a number for each toc element?
2. set exactly this number to he h1 inner html in fron of the text?

So that the result is:

1. Head 1
2. Head 2

1. Head 1
mycontent text djaskdjasödjaskdj aslökjd asd

2. Head 2
mycontent text sldkasäfasdfkasdjflöasdf
asdfasdkfjasdfnasdm,fn sdjaf asöd

Thank you!

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