Noone an idea how to solve that?

Thank you

On 22 Okt., 15:46, "bc04Inc." <> wrote:
> So here is the function:
> <script type="text/javascript">
>         (function($) {
>   $.toc = function(tocList) {
>     $(tocList).addClass('jquery-toc');
>     var tocListArray = tocList.split(',');
>     $.each(tocListArray, function(i,v) { tocListArray[i] = $.trim
> (v); });
>     var $elements = $('.jquery-toc');
>     $('body').append('<div></div>');
>     var $toc = $('body div:last');
>     var lastLevel = 1;
>     $toc.append('<ul class="jquery-toc-1"></ul>');
>     $elements.each(function() {
>       var $e = $(this);
>       var text = $e.text();
>       var anchor = text.replace(/ /g,'-');
>       $e.before('<a name="' + anchor + '"></a>');
>       var level;
>       $.each(tocListArray, function(i,v) {
>         if (v.match(' ')) {
>           var vArray = v.split(' ');
>           var e = vArray[vArray.length - 1];
>         } else { e = v; }
>         if ($ { level = i+1; }
>       });
>       var className = 'jquery-toc-' + level;
>       var li = '<li><a href="#' + anchor + '">' + text + '</a></li>';
>       if (level == lastLevel) {
>         $('ul.' + className + ':last',$toc).append(li);
>       } else if (level > lastLevel) {
>         var parentLevel = level - 1;
>         var parentClassName = 'jquery-toc-' + parentLevel;
>         $('ul.' + parentClassName + ':last',$toc).
>           append('<ul class="' + className + '"></ul>');
>         $('ul.' + className + ':last',$toc).append(li);
>       } else if (level < lastLevel) {
>         $('ul.' + className + ':last',$toc).append(li);
>       }
>       lastLevel = level;
>     });
>     var $toc_ul = $('ul.jquery-toc-1',$toc);
>     $toc.remove();
>     return($toc_ul);
>  }
> })(jQuery);
>           $(document).ready(function(){
>                 $.toc('#pagecontent_b h1,#pagecontent_b h2,#pagecontent_b
> h3').prependTo('#pagecontent_b');
>           });
>         </script>
> It creates a table of content for all the h1, h2, etc on a page. What
> i want to do is, to set a number in front of each TOC Element. I cant
> use OL's cause the subheader (h2, h3, etc) must be numbered like 1.1.1
> or 1.2.1 etc.
> Thats one thing. The other thing is, when i did this for a heading, i
> want to manipulate the html inside this hx Tag so it exactly shows the
> same number as the table of content. That means i have to manipulate
> the hx tag and add in front of the "insidehtml" the number. Nothing
> more.
> thank you
> yavuz
> On 22 Okt., 15:27, jerome <> wrote:
> > sorry, but I don't know Rebecca Murphey. Why can't you just wrapper the head
> > tag in an ol? or do you need to change the h tag level to a different level?
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "bc04Inc." <>
> > To: "jQuery (English)" <>
> > Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 1:24 AM
> > Subject: [jQuery] How can i set a number inside a h1 tag before the text
> > starts?
> > Hi,
> > i am using the table of contents function of rebecca murphey. The
> > script works fine, but i need to extend itin two ways.
> > 1. set a number for each toc element?
> > 2. set exactly this number to he h1 inner html in fron of the text?
> > So that the result is:
> > 1. Head 1
> > 2. Head 2
> > …
> > …
> > 1. Head 1
> > mycontent text djaskdjasödjaskdj aslökjd asd
> > dkajsdjaslödkjasdkljasldkjasd
> > 2. Head 2
> > mycontent text sldkasäfasdfkasdjflöasdf
> > asdfasdkfjasdfnasdm,fn sdjaf asöd
> > ...
> > Thank you!- Zitierten Text ausblenden -
> > - Zitierten Text anzeigen -

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