On Wed, 2009-10-28 at 08:16 -0700, MICA wrote:

> The website in question is - www.micalighting.com.au


> Can anyone help??

Not with the superfish, but you might want to reconsider that animated
gif at the top.


Matt Zagrabelny - mzagr...@d.umn.edu - (218) 726 8844
University of Minnesota Duluth
Information Technology Systems & Services
PGP key 1024D/84E22DA2 2005-11-07
Fingerprint: 78F9 18B3 EF58 56F5 FC85  C5CA 53E7 887F 84E2 2DA2

He is not a fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot
-Jim Elliot

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