Use this rule.
                whyvisitother: {
                    required: function(element) {
                    return $("[name=whyvisit]").index($
("[name=whyvisit]:checked")) == 4;

On Oct 29, 7:34 am, Collectonian <> wrote:
> With the suggestion earlier, everything is working great, yay! All of
> my validation rules are also working, as well, except I can't figure
> out how to write the rule for my multi-option check box that has an
> "Other" option so that if other is among those checked, it will
> require the other input box be filled in. I have two similar ones like
> that, but since they are radio buttons, I was able to just use rules
> based on the demos. The rules I have and the relevant bit of the HTML
> form below for easier reading. Basically, if one of the options
> selected in the whyvisit set of checkboxes is the other option, the
> whyvisitother input field needs to be required.
> ~~ SNIPPET ~~
> rules: {
>         recommend: "required",
>         howlearnedother: {
>                 required: function(element) {
>                 return $('#howlearned input[name=howlearned]:checked').val() 
> == 0;
>                 }
>         },
>         describeyouother: {
>                 required: function(element) {
>                 return $('#describeyou 
> input[name=describeyou]:checked').val() == 0;
>                 }
>         }
> },
> ~~HTML ~~
> <label for="whyvisit">Why did you visit the SRAC web site?</label>
> <div id="whyvisit">
>         <input name="whyvisit" type="checkbox" class="checksandradios"
> value="1" /> Aquaculture producer looking for information<br /> <input
> name="whyvisit" type="checkbox" class="checksandradios" value="2" />
> Educator looking for information for my classroom<br />
>         <div id="whyvisiteducator">
>                 <select name="whyvisiteducator">
>                         <option value="1">Middle School</option>
>                         <option value="2">High School</option>
>                         <option value="3">2-Year College</option>
>                         <option value="4">4-Year College</option>
>                 </select>
>         </div>
>         <input name="whyvisit" type="checkbox" class="checksandradios"
> value="3" /> Student<br />
>         <div id="whyvisitstudent">
>                 <select name="whyvisitstudent">
>                         <option value="1">Middle School</option>
>                         <option value="2">High School</option>
>                         <option value="3">2-Year College</option>
>                         <option value="4">4-Year College</option>
>                 </select>
>         </div>
>         <input name="whyvisit" type="checkbox" class="checksandradios"
> value="4" /> Individual interested in learning more about
> aquaculture<br />
>         <input name="whyvisit" type="checkbox" class="checksandradios"
> value="0" /> Other <input id="whyvisitother" name="whyvisitother"
> type="text" value="" size="30" maxlength="30" /> <br />
> </div>

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