Sorry, didn't read the question thoroughly,

                    whyvisitother: {
                        required: function(element) {

                            var result = false;
                            var chk = $("[name=whyvisit]");

() {
                                if (chk.index($(this)) == 4)
                                    result = true;

                            return result;

On Oct 30, 12:14 am, Collectonian <> wrote:
> Thanks, but that only seems to work if they only pick other. Since
> they can pick multiple checkboxes from that set, I need to see if they
> picked it among possibly multiple others.
> On Oct 28, 5:50 pm, Jules <> wrote:
> > Use this rule.
> >                 whyvisitother: {
> >                     required: function(element) {
> >                     return $("[name=whyvisit]").index($
> > ("[name=whyvisit]:checked")) == 4;
> >                     }

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