- $(el).parent('div'); // didn't work because
.parent()<http://docs.jquery.com/Traversing/parent>(only matches the
direct parent, not any ancestors) is not the same as
   .parents() <http://docs.jquery.com/Traversing/parents> (matches all
   - $(el).parents('div'); // returning all matching ancestors is the point
   - $(el).parents('div').get(0).addClass('myClass'); // should work, may be
   a testing error (just tested it, worked for me)

Anyway, continue to try things and you'll be efficient with jQuery, don't
worry. Coming from another framework and re-learning the lingo is just a
phase, it's frustrating but it's worth it. And jQuery may be an acquired
taste but it's great once you're used to it.

Michel Belleville

2009/11/10 waseem sabjee <waseemsab...@gmail.com>

> var parent_element = $(".child).parents('div');
> On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 12:16 PM, Savageman <savagema...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm using jQuery but am not really used to it (Mootools' user
>> here...).
>> I was trying to add a class to the first parent "div" of an element.
>> Here is how I proceeded in the first place :
>> - $(el).parent('div'); // Doesn't return anything: why?
>> My second attempt was better (intermediate steps for better
>> comprehension):
>> - $(el).parents('div'); // Returns all parent div, cool but I only
>> need the first:
>> - ($el).parents('div').get(0); // Returns the div I want: yeah again!
>> - $(el).parents('div').get(0).addClass('myClass'); // Doesn't work:
>> why?
>> Finally my last attempt (I asked for help) was the good one:
>> - $(el).parents('div:first').addClass('myClass'); // Works fine
>> I was expecting all of the 3 methods to work, but that's not really
>> what's happening: kind of frustating! Can someone explain me why, so I
>> become efficient with jQuery?
>> Thank you in advance for the provided help.
>> Sincerely,
>> Savageman.

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