   So my code works in FF, IE8 and Safari (I've only tested in the
latest versions of all). But in IE6 and IE7 I get an error saying
"Object doesnt support this property or method".

<a onclick="javascript: $(this).curvesLeadForm({gymSource:'Curves
Anaheim Hills, CA',address1Source:'6507 E. Serrano Avenue, Ste. A
&amp; B',address2Source:'Anaheim, CA 92807',loaderSource:$(this).parent
clickedLink:this}); return false;" title="Request Free Fitness Plan"
class="fitness_plan_link" href="http://www.curvesinformation.com/
index.php?Referrer=GFC&amp;campaign=GF" target="_blank"></a>

curvesLeadForm is a custom plugin I made and the parameters are all
being passed to overwrite default plugin values.

My initial thought is that earlier versions of IE do not like the '$
(this).curvesLeadForm' function call. I need to call  curvesLeadForm
using the link that is clicked as there are several of these links on
the same page and they all use different parameters for the
curvesLeadForm call.

Let me know if anything is needed further. There is not viewable
version of what I am trying to do, sorry.

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