On Nov 10, 2:22 pm, Matthew <mvbo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>    So my code works in FF, IE8 and Safari (I've only tested in the
> latest versions of all). But in IE6 and IE7 I get an error saying
> "Object doesnt support this property or method".

I know the site is not visible, but can you make a small test case
using JS Bin [1]?

I'm guessing that just trying to make this sample will lead you to a
solution, but if not, people will have much more to go on when trying
to help.

Things to check:  Does it work when bound (without the customization)
from a $("a.fitness_plan_link").click(...) handler?  That should help
determine if the issue is the "javascript:" pseudo-protocol.  Can the
plug-in run using some defaults rather than the parameter?  If so, try
it with the defaults, which will let you know if whether it's
something in your parameter.  Can you log the loaderSource from inside
the plug-in?  If not, then perhaps it's something IE is doing to make
you loaderSource selectors not work properly.

  -- Scott

[1] http://jsbin.com/

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