Take a look at the milk-demo here:
The messages are placed in the column next to the input element, that should
be close to what you are looking for.


2009/11/18 Atkinson, Sarah <sarah.atkin...@cookmedical.com>

>  I am trying to put all my errors in a <div> that is the 3rd column. I
> then want to set there position so it is level with the element.
> But when I run it I get no error messages
> Here is my code:
>   errorPlacement: function(error, element)  {
>        errordiv=$('.insidePage_error div');
>          error.appendTo(errordiv);        //var offset =
> $(element).offset();        //error.css({'top' : offset.top, 'position' :
> 'absolute' });       },

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