Thanks for your response and your time! I apologize, I still have
everything on localhost. This following is what I could see with

li class="parent active item1">
<a class="sf-with-ul" href="http://localhost/testsite/";>
<span class="sf-sub-indicator"> »</span>

Does this help a bit?

It doesn't seem to be a width problem, because there is plenty of
space in the accordion list (horizontally). If the >> character were
in the same span as home, then it would be in the same line.

What do you think?

On Dec 1, 6:22 pm, Charlie <> wrote:
> likely a width setting on "LI" or "A" tags, likely from old css as superfish 
> default css doesn't set widths. If text was just fitting before then you are 
> now adding a new element that doesn't fit without wrapping to next line
> Can see a lot if you provide link, easy to see what's happening with a DOM 
> inspector
> MozreplGuy wrote:Hi all, I successfully included superfish into a joomla site 
> (still on localhost). I use it in vertical mode. It works fine. But there is 
> one thing that doesn't look very nice. Every menu with a sub menu has a 
> sub-indicator '>>' (character 187, enabled by autoarrow flag). The indicator 
> itself is fine. However the indicator doesn't appear on the same line as the 
> menu text. For example it looks like: Menu1But I would like it to like: Menu1 
> >> Does anybody have an idea how I could achieve that. I looked at the code 
> (e.g. superfish), but my skill level doesn't allow me to find a solution :-) 
> I would appreciate any help. Thanks, Mozrepl

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