snippets of html won't do much to troubleshoot.    95% likelihood the problem is css related and css needs to be viewed in the DOM to work with effectively.

The majority of posts regarding superfish on this board are Joomla related . You can try searching. The original css gets left in when the menu gets installed, try commenting out all the old menu css from template

MozreplGuy wrote:
Thanks for your response and your time! I apologize, I still have
everything on localhost. This following is what I could see with

li class="parent active item1">
<a class="sf-with-ul" href="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="http://localhost/testsite/">"http://localhost/testsite/">
<span class="sf-sub-indicator"> »</span>

Does this help a bit?

It doesn't seem to be a width problem, because there is plenty of
space in the accordion list (horizontally). If the >> character were
in the same span as home, then it would be in the same line.

What do you think?

On Dec 1, 6:22 pm, Charlie <> wrote:
likely a width setting on "LI" or "A" tags, likely from old css as superfish default css doesn't set widths. If text was just fitting before then you are now adding a new element that doesn't fit without wrapping to next line
Can see a lot if you provide link, easy to see what's happening with a DOM inspector
MozreplGuy wrote:Hi all, I successfully included superfish into a joomla site (still on localhost). I use it in vertical mode. It works fine. But there is one thing that doesn't look very nice. Every menu with a sub menu has a sub-indicator '>>' (character 187, enabled by autoarrow flag). The indicator itself is fine. However the indicator doesn't appear on the same line as the menu text. For example it looks like: Menu1But I would like it to like: Menu1 >> Does anybody have an idea how I could achieve that. I looked at the code (e.g. superfish), but my skill level doesn't allow me to find a solution :-) I would appreciate any help. Thanks, Mozrepl


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