I believe this is the problem:


The correct value for the "checked" attribute is "checked", not "true"
(don't ask me why; I think it's a stinker), so jQuery comes up

Whereas the other way you're approaching this:

if (this.checked)

... works because you're testing for a (boolean) property that is
assigned by jQuery *after* it has used your more general selector to
create a list of objects.

A simpler way to approach this would be to use some of jQuery's
built-in selector goodness:

$('#selected_courses .course input:radio:checked')

However, note that you drop '.course' from this if there are never any
other radio buttons within #selected_courses but outside of a .course

On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 4:40 PM, Beardsley Ruml <b...@ruml.com> wrote:
> Sorry that this take a while to demonstrate but it's a complete puzzle (to
> me)!
> I would like to determine whether there are any checked radio buttons within
> the
> <div> "selected_courses" in the following HTML:
>  <div id="selected_courses>
>     <div class="course">
>       <input type="radio" name="1st" .. />
>         [ 5 more radio buttons]
>     </div>
>        [ 2 more courses ]
>  </div>
> When the code below is executed, there are 3 selected courses; since
> each course has six radio buttons, there are 18 radio buttons.  When I
> add the further qualification to select only the checked radio buttons,
> the reponse is zero buttons (although there are in fact 3 checked buttons).
> However, if I approach the search in another more roundabout way -- by
> examining
> each of the radio buttons in turn to determine how many are checked, the
> answer
> is the correct one: 3 (one within each course).
> Notice that within the following each loop, I look among the
> selected_courses
> for an input element with a specified name which is checked and *that*
> doubly
> conditioned selector works as expected; that is, the if statement is
> executed.
> So why does the double condition on the "input" selector fail the first time
> and succeed the second time????
> Perhaps relevant:
> When I replace:
>  $('#selected_courses .course input[type="radio"][checked=true]')
> with
>  $sel_courses.find('input[type="radio"][checked=true]')
> the selection works.  Is there some difference between three levels of
> selection criteria without an initial jQuery object and using find() to
> apply a single criterion to an existing jQuery object?
> Code:
> ====
> if (ui.panel.id == "final_ordered_list") {
>  console.log("Clicked on Final Ordered List tab:");
>  var $sel_courses = $("#selected_courses .course");
>  console.log("Have " + $sel_courses.length + " selected courses.");
>  var $radio_buttons = $('#selected_courses .course input[type="radio"]');
>  console.log("Have " + $radio_buttons.length + " radio buttons.");
>  var $chked_radio_buttons = $('#selected_courses .course
> input[type="radio"][checked=true]');
>  console.log("Got " + $chked_radio_buttons.length + " straight checked radio
> buttons.");
>  var checked_radio_buttons = 0;
>  $radio_buttons.each(function() { if (this.checked) checked_radio_buttons +=
> 1; });
>  console.log("Got " + checked_radio_buttons + " roundabout checked radio
> buttons.");
>  if (checked_radio_buttons > 0) {
>    console.log("     " + $sel_courses.length + " selected courses");
>    console.log("     " + checked_radio_buttons + " checked radio buttons");
>    $.each(["1st","2nd","3rd","4th","5th","6th"], function(index,
> curr_ordinal) {
>      // if there is a course with the curr_ordinal radio button checked
>      // (can only be one), then copy to Final Ordered List;
>      var $checked_radio_button = $sel_courses.find('input[name="' +
> curr_ordinal + '"][checked=true]')
>      if ($checked_radio_button.length > 0) {
>        // do something;
>      }
>    });
>  });
> });
> Console output:
> ==============
> Clicked on Final Ordered List tab:
> Have 3 selected courses.
> Have 18 radio buttons.
> Got 0 straight checked radio buttons.
> Got 3 roundabout checked radio buttons.
> 3 selected courses
> 3 checked radio buttons
> Many thanks for any insights into what's happening!
> B Ruml

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