
Thank you *so* much for your help with this!

I found that I could even do:
  $('#selected_courses input:radio:checked[name="' + curr_ordinal +

I'm skeptical about your explanation of the value for checked because:
  1) in Firebug's DOM inspector the value shown for the Javascript
      of checked is true;
  2) my use of true worked in the later case of:
       $sel_courses.find('input[name="' + curr_ordinal + '"]
My guess without checking is that "checked" is the correct value for
HTML mark-up (and perhaps CSS) but is not the JS value.

But you've helped me enormously and I'm very grateful!


On Dec 8, 12:03 pm, brian <> wrote:
> I believe this is the problem:
> input[type="radio"][checked=true]
> The correct value for the "checked" attribute is "checked", not "true"
> (don't ask me why; I think it's a stinker), so jQuery comes up
> empty-handed.

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