 I can't use any Ajax here because it is not allowed. I am sure that if i
can make a call to Jquery Plugin when i add new div this will work fine.
Help is appreciated.


On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 11:19 AM, jayakumar ala <> wrote:

> Brian,
> Thnaks for the reply.
> I am trying to do is add same <p> tag by cloning and change the id's.
>  It is suppose to behave same way as the first element but when i add file
> it is not applying any class.
>  Here i am adding the updated code that will update the class value and Id
> while cloning in the addUploadFile() function. But the newly added file tags
> are not working as the main tag when i add file. Hope you got the problem.
> I checked the same in firebug it seems that add function is adding the
> right classes. But the functionality is missing when i browse a file to
> chose multiple file to the newly added file tag.
> I am new to this Jquery , i might be missing somethins here.
> <html>
> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.MultiFile.js"></script>
> <script>
> var divTagTemplate ;
>   $(document).ready(function(){
>     divTagTemplate = document.getElementById('addVal1').cloneNode(true);
>   });
>   </script>
> <script language="javascript">
> var intVal = 1;
> function addUploadFile() {
>   var divTagTemplateCopy = divTagTemplate.cloneNode(true);
>   var innerinVal = ++intVal;
>   divTagTemplateCopy.setAttribute("id",'addVal'+innerinVal);
>   var stringVal = divTagTemplateCopy.innerHTML;
>   stringVal = stringVal.replace(/MultiFile1/g,"MultiFile"+innerinVal);
>   divTagTemplateCopy.innerHTML = stringVal;
>   var divTagVal = divTagTemplateCopy.cloneNode(true);
>   //divValList = divTagVal.getElementByTagName('input');
>   document.getElementById('outerVal').appendChild(divTagVal);
>  }
> </script>
> <form action="doUpload" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
> <div id="outerVal">
> <p>
> Type some text (if you like):<br>
> <input type="text" name="textline" size="30">
> </p>
> <p id="addVal1">
> Please specify a file, or a set of files:<br>
> <input type="file" class="multi" name="datafile" size="40">
> </p>
>  <div>
> <input type="submit" value="Send">
> <input type="button" class="button" value="Add File"
> onclick="javascript:addUploadFile();" id="addFileButton" />
> </div>
> </div>
> </form>
> <script>
> </script>
> </html>
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks
> Jay
>   On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 10:12 AM, brian <> wrote:
>> See here:
>> And you're loading the MultiFile plugin twice. You need either
>> MultFile.js or MultiFile.pack.js, but not both.
>> Also, keep in mind that you're cloning an element with an ID, which
>> must always be unique.
>> But it looks to me like you're trying to do something that's
>> unnecessary. Why are you cloning anything at all?
>> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 2:45 PM, jayakumar ala <>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi All,
>> >  I am using the following code to upload file and add the file tag
>> > dynamically for my application. Jquery doen't seem to be working for the
>> > dynamically added file.
>> > Any help is appreciated.
>> >
>> > <html>
>> > <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
>> > <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.MultiFile.js"></script>
>> > <script type="text/javascript"
>> src="js/jquery.MultiFile.pack.js"></script>
>> > <script language="javascript">
>> > var intVal = 1;
>> > function addUploadFile() {
>> >   var innerinVal = ++intVal;
>> >   var divTagVal = divTagTemplate.cloneNode(true);
>> >   document.getElementById('outerVal').appendChild(divTagVal);
>> >  }
>> > </script>
>> > <form action="doUpload" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
>> > <div id="outerVal">
>> > <p>
>> > Type some text (if you like):<br>
>> > <input type="text" name="textline" size="30">
>> > </p>
>> > <p id="addVal1">
>> > Please specify a file, or a set of files:<br>
>> > <input type="file" class="multi" id="test1" name="datafile" size="40">
>> > </p>
>> > <div>
>> > <input type="submit" value="Send">
>> > <input type="button" class="button" value="Add File"
>> > onclick="javascript:addUploadFile();" id="addFileButton" />
>> > </div>
>> > </div>
>> > </form>
>> > <script> var divTagTemplate =
>> > document.getElementById('addVal1').cloneNode(true);
>> > </script>
>> > </html>

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