And if you have any future questions about jQuery UI, note there's a mailing
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- Richard

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 7:07 AM, Richard D. Worth <> wrote:

> This decision was made as part of our creation and adoption of the jQuery
> UI CSS Framework. This offers a set of generic widget classes that we use
> across all jQuery UI widgets, and we encourage others to make use of the
> same. Then all widgets can be themed with simplicity, using a pre-built
> theme, or rolling their own theme with
> jQuery UI Tabs, like other jQuery UI widgets, continues to have
> widget-specific classes, as well as more generic css framework classes. They
> are summarized here:
> Notice for example that the selected tab gets both the ui-tabs-selected
> class (tabs specific) and the ui-state-active class (css framework). Both
> have the ui- prefix, meaning they're in the jQuery UI css class namespace.
> And they're managed by the plugin. For consistency and simplicity, we've
> made neither configurable. This is our standard way of communicating on the
> identity and state of the selected tab. It's up to the user to either write
> a css rule that contains one of these two classes, or manually add some
> other class at an appropriate time.
> - Richard
> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 1:26 AM, Donny Kurnia <>wrote:
>> It's have been a long time since I use jQuery UI tabs in my project. My
>> client want dragable function, so I use this opportunity to upgrade all
>> jquery ui.
>> However, I notice one page got broken, because now the class used for
>> selected tab is hardcoded in the ui.tabs.js
>> I search the ticket and found this:
>> I just wonder, what the decision to remove the option and use hardcoded
>> class instead? As I know, using hardcoded constant will lead to hard to
>> maintenance code and might result in an inconsistence.
>> Whatever the decision, I want to thanks to all jQuery developer and jQuery
>> UI contributor.
>> --
>> Donny Kurnia

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